Sustainability and innovation in onshore and offshore aquaculture: the final event of the fishRISE project

On Friday, June 28, 2024, the Ecotekne Complex of the University of Salento in Lecce hosted the final event of the fishRISE project – Remote Intelligent Sustainable aquaculturE system for Fish. The meeting explored the main challenges and opportunities in the aquaculture sector and included presentations of the project’s results and solutions, among them the creation of two prototype systems for advanced, sustainable onshore and offshore fish farming.

The event began with greetings from Fabio Pollice (Rector of the University of Salento) and continued with presentations by partners on several topics, including the R&D activities developed by the University of Salento in the Blue Growth sector, the strategic objectives of the project, the challenges and opportunities of Italian aquaculture and the solutions developed by the fishRISE consortium. The focus of the event then shifted to the future of onshore aquaculture with presentations on the experimental multitrophic aquaculture plant, innovative biofilters based on phytoremediation principles, automated monitoring and control of environmental parameters, and the optimization and valorization of farmed fish. Finally, the session on offshore aquaculture included discussions on the offshore assisted production macrosystem, a monitoring system for environmental and parasitological parameters, a portal for satellite observations and marine forecasts, and a mobile application for fish traceability.

The final event was also the occasion for the fishRISE consortium to present to the public the project video, produced by the University of Salento, which explains in detail the work developed within the project, its methods and its unique features through engaging and informative visuals and the words of the many scientists and experts involved. A shorter version (trailer) of the video was also produced, which is focused on the assets used to develop the activities. Both videos are now available on the project website, in Italian language.

fishRISE project aims to enhance the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of aquaculture by designing and developing a comprehensive methodological and technological framework for innovative land-based and offshore aquaculture. The project involved a broad partnership, coordinated by Xenia Progetti Srl and including the Universities of Salento, Tuscia, and Eastern Piedmont, research institutions CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, ICR – Cooperative Research Institute, IIT – Italian Institute of Technology, and ISPRA – Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research. The SMEs involved in the project are Apphia Srl, Badinotti Group, Maricoltura Mattinatese, and Planetek Italia.

fishRISE was funded under the Call for Proposals for Industrial Research and Experimental Development Projects in the twelve Specialization Areas identified by the PNR 2015-2020 – Specialization Area “Blue Growth” by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.